Pwyllgor Seneddol a Gwyddonol: Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Mae’r Gymdeithas yn aelod sefydliad o’r Pwyllgor Seneddol a Gwyddonol. Mae gan y Pwyllgor raglen reolaidd o gyfarfodydd. Gall hyd at chwe Chymrawd fynychu pob digwyddiad ar ran y Gymdeithas.

Mae angen cofrestru llefydd drwy’r Gymdeithas. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn mynychu unrhyw ddigwyddiad, cysylltwch â Fiona Gaskell.

Cyfarfod Nesaf:

Non-Malignant Cancers, Precision Medicine and Genome Mapping

Monday 14th September, 5.30pm – 7.00pm

Online discussion

The following panel of guest speakers will each give a presentation followed by questions from the on-line audience:

Dr Ian M Frayling: Honorary Consulting Genetic Pathologist to St Mark’s Hospital, London & St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin; Honorary Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Inherited Tumour Syndromes Research Group, Cardiff University and President Elect, Association of Clinical Pathologists; 

Dr Martin Kaiser: Consultant Haematologist at The Royal Marsden Hospital and a Clinician Scientist at The Institute of Cancer Research; 

Laura Kerby: CEO Myeloma UK; 

Dr Karthik Ramasamy: Consultant Haematologist at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; 

Dr Inês Cebola: Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London. 

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