Co-Centre Programme: Ymchwil i’r Hinsawdd a Systemau Bwyd

Mae’r Co-Centre Programme, sydd yn cael ei ariannu ar y cyd gan UKRI a’r byd diwydiant, yn bartneriaeth newydd rhwng Iwerddon, Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon.  Mae’n croesawu cynigion ar ymchwil ac arloesi ym meysydd hinsawdd, a systemau bwyd cynaliadwy a gwydn.

The overall ambition of the Co-Centre Programme is to create a dynamic research network across Ireland, Great Britain, and Northern Ireland. This will be led by a cross-jurisdictional collaboration of academic partners working together with industry and other key stakeholders to bring scale, standing and cohesion to the research and innovation ecosystem.  The Co-Centre Programme encourages high quality research and innovation whilst also delivering economic, societal, health and environmental impacts. 

The new programme will provide for an investment of €74million, funded through DAERA (up to £17M), SFI (up to €40million) and UKRI (up to £12 million), to support future joint research.

The Co-Centre Programme (